Why Should I Become BQA Certified?

BQA does more than just help beef producers capture more value from their market cattle: BQA also reflects a positive public image and instills consumer confidence in the beef industry. When producers implement the best management practices of a BQA program, they assure their market steers, heifers, cows, and bulls are the best they can be. Today, the stakes are even higher because of increased public attention on animal welfare.  

BQA is valuable to all beef and dairy producers because of the following: 

• Demonstrates a commitment to food safety and quality  

• Safeguards the public image of the beef and dairy industry  

• Upholds consumer confidence in valuable beef products  

• Protects the beef industry from additional and burdensome government regulations  

• Improves sale value of marketed beef cattle  

• Enhances herd profitability through better management 

BQA is a good business practice that can identify potential problem areas in order to avoid product defects. It is of utmost importance that the public has confidence in knowing that beef is a safe product.